
The Role Of Interpersonal Conflict And Learning Communication

Satisfactory Essays

Areas of Application – Military Social work
Area 2: Dealing with Conflict (1pg)
There are lots of causes of conflict are due to things like Value conflict, which involves incompatibility in ways of life, ideologies – the preferences, principles and practices that people believe in. International conflict (e.g., the Cold War) often has a strong value component, wherein each side asserts the rightness and superiority of its way of life and its political-economic system. Interpersonal conflict occurs when two people have incompatible needs, goals, or approaches in their relationship (Fisher, 2000).
Communication breakdown is often an important source of interpersonal conflict and learning communication skills is valuable in preventing and resolving such difficulties. At the same time, very real differences occur between people that cannot be resolved by any amount of improved communication (Fisher, 2000). “Personality conflict” refers to very strong differences in motives, values or styles in dealing with people that are not resolvable (Fisher, 2000). For example, if both parties in a relationship have a high need for power and both want to be dominant in the relationship, there is no way for both to be satisfied, and a power struggle ensues. Common tactics used in interpersonal power struggles include the exaggerated use of rewards and punishments, deception and evasion, threats and emotional blackmail, and flattery or ingratiation. Unresolved power conflict usually recycles

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