Bono once said, “Music can change the world because it can change people”. Music has changed me into the person I am today. I believe that music heals my life problems. I remember running around in the Blockbuster video store my parents owned, always drawn to the music section. Although my parents weren’t heavily influenced by music, I branched out and discovered a whole new world. I found myself getting my first MP3 player at age 7. Although The Jonas Brothers and High School Musical were less influential in my life, it did expose my mind to music. In a more recent time, I find the lyrics to songs very powerful and meaningful. Each song has a meaning, and every song I listen to can relate to my life. I mostly listen to very sad songs, and although it sounds disheartening, it’s what I can relate to the most. There was a time in my life when I was very lonely and unhappy. I had no one to relate to, except for when I found lyrics in a song. Music helped save my life, it was there even in the darkest of days. Music then made me a much happier person. It was difficult to express my feelings and emotions, but I felt that I finally wasn’t alone. It helps me find myself and my happiness every day. Every time I am in a bad mood, I just put on my headphones, listen to some of my favorite voices, and tune out the rest of the world. At the end of the day, if no one else is there for me, I know music is. The tune of a song is always something that I enjoy because it brings people
Billy Joel said, “I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music” (Music Quotes). Whether we realize it or not, music affects our lives greatly. The only thing for us to question is how. How does music impact your life and the lives of others? What does music do for us? People of all ages benefit emotionally, physically, and academically from music.
Music plays a big role in my life. I listen to it everyday. Music helps me process what emotions I am feeling that day. Emotions such as anger, happiness, depression and anxiety. For example in 2011 my commanding officer for young marines died. Then three month later my grandfather passed away. Everything felt hopeless, I was depressed and
A particular piece of music is most appealing to me when I can relate to it. However, I like all kinds of music depending on time, place, and certain moods I may be feeling.Having a relation to music or a song can be uplifting, calming, or inspiring. Have youever felt like there was nothing you can do about a situation or a particular problem could not get any better? That feeling has drowned me at times. At times I have lost motivation for the things I seek to gain or feeling it may be impossible. Hearing the struggles I go through in music or knowing I am not alone has comforted me. In the article, “The Benefits of Listening to Music,” the author, Steven Cornelius and Mary Natvig, states, “Attentive listening is good
In many instances, music saves people. In the article How Music Saved My Life, Diana C. Hereld writes her own personal story about her downfall and how she was able to regain her strength and become happy again. Herelds downfall began with the suicide of her best friend from college, “In the months following my friend’s suicide, the prolonged plagues of devastation and anxiety made it painfully clear that I was suffering from severe depression. Something about being the last person to see my friend before he took his life had made my very existence unbearable. I simply couldn’t imagine a reality where I would ever feel whole again” (How Music Saved My Life, Hereld).
Music is another language people use when they want to express their feelings. Whether they are angry or passionate, there is always a melody for that emotion. It is universal and it brings people together. There are so many amazing artists that have a real influence on this generation and past generations.
Music is that one friend that will always be there and will never judge us. It changes and has a huge
Music helps us remember events and feel emotions - whether we want to or not. This phenomenon has changed the way we experience and remember songs. Humans have associated certain music with events and emotions for as long as we had the capability to (Baumgartner 316), so listening to these familiar sounds brings forth the memories that come with
In the world today, music has become a big influence on everyone. With the power of music, each person has the ability to accomplish goals even if the music is country or rap. Most people believe that music can change a person’s mood or behavior which is true. Without music people could not control the way they act. Most music has the power to affect a person’s mood and other music can get them out of control. If music did not exist the world would be tedious. Without having music, people would not be able to motivate their moods. With the magic of music all people tend to have clear minds and better spirits. Music has the ability to put a smile on their face and a special song in their hearts. Even though most people feel confident about a special song, this can change their mind about how country music is better than rap music.
Music is a huge part of our everyday life. Many people don’t realize that music plays a significant role in in the way it affects the human brain. It connects and helps us share experiences with loved ones, friends, and random acquaintances. The variety of genres lets us explore the different emotions as we listen to specific songs, whether or not its pop, hip-hop/ rap, indie, country, rock/ heavy & death metal, classical, dance, jazz, blues, soul, reggae, and opera. Psychologists seem to believe the answer lies within the rhythm, tone, lyrics, and melody of the music. A great and inspiring songwriter/ vocalist, Mitch Lucker, said, “Keep listening to music, cause it gets you through everything. I promise.” My question is, why do people turn to music rather than friends or family? Considering this, what is it about music that helps us through difficult obstacles in life? According to many psychologist music can affect mood, health, mind, and learning ability.
When I first began playing the clarinet, eight years ago, I would have never expected it to impact my life in such a significant way, but it did and continues to each year. From the second that I picked up a clarinet and played a single note, I knew it was an experience like no other; music is a unique language, it speaks words that many can hear, and brings people of all races and religions together. Playing an instrument is a way of self-expression, both individually and as a group; bringing musicians together to create a work of art. I have experienced this throughout all eight years as a musician with students from my school, in both concert band and marching band, students from surrounding schools, during band fest, junior district band, and district band, as well as members of my church, at worship services. Music can bring the most unexpected
dance-to-me kind of music enhances my joy that much more. I love to study to classical
When people say "music saved my life," they are saying they found themselves once to be weak and eventually found strength through music. You can find yourself alone in the life you live but when you listen to music you realize you'll never be alone. I believe music gives people a sense of hope that they don't have to feel like they're the only one's going through things. Music can express more than words and it gives people a constant when their world seems to be chaotic. It's something some people need in their life and to be who they are and go on day by day.
People say that music has the ability to heal a person mentally and spiritually. But to me, music is much more than just healing. It is a way for me to escape this world called reality and enter a world with in my imagination through the different beats, harmony, and chorus. Only when listening to music, I can truly feel all my emotions with each song having the power to make me remember, from painful to happy memories. As I grew up to be the person I am today, my music journey also grows with me. Looking back at it now, I would never want to change a single thing.
Music, it's a part of everyone's life. From childhood sing-a-long songs, to garage grunge music, and everything in between music is everywhere. Growing up with an extremely musical background it was in my genes that I would become a musician. Playing music has helped me become the person I am by being a release for my anger, broadening my future and make new friends..
Media takes all forms of shapes, from video games to music it influences people daily because we are always surrounded by it. Music especially impacts individuals because in a lot of ways it can say what we want to say in times when we as individuals cannot say it. In those times we lean on music to help us understand the hardship we are going through, or as a mechanism to face our feelings or to block them out. Interpersonal violence which is defined as an individual using power over another in the form of violence whether that be emotional, physical, or sexual. With the many forms of interpersonal violence it’s apparent that it has been expressed in the form of music for quite a while, and sometimes not always in a preventative way. By