
The Role of Women in Islam Essay

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In the pre-Islamic Arabian society a family’s honor depended on the honor of its females which led to the belief that the group was vulnerable through the girls and women. Females were seen as a burden and many were the victims of infanticide because they were in need of protection from capture and were seen as a drain on the family’s meager resources. The most common form of ridding the family of an unwanted girl was to “bury her in the dust” which was done while the child was still alive. Once established, Islam condemned this practice and required that “…those who had killed their daughters in the time of the j¬¬¬ahiliyyah make expiation for their heinous act.” The Prophet said, “Whosoever has a daughter and does not bury her …show more content…

Khadija was a wealthy businesswoman who allowed her husband to spend his time in contemplation instead of laboring which ultimately allowed Muhammad to follow his path as Prophet. Khadija’s unwavering support led to Muhammad’s complete devotion to the marriage and he remained monogamous in a time when polygyny was prevalent. The financial, emotional, and spiritual support that Khadija provided Muhammad led to Islam’s birth as a religion and ensured her place as an essential figure in Islamic history.
Aisha bint Abu Bakr (612-678 C.E.) was a wife of Muhammad during a time when the customs of a Jahiliyyah society were conforming to fit with the teachings of the Prophet. The practice of having an unlimited number of wives was changed to four and only if the husband could equally provide for each wife. The limit as well as the provision that each must be treated equally both emotionally and financially led to many men having only one wife. The practice of veiling began in the Muslim culture not because of physical protection from the elements but because of the location of the family’s dwelling near the mosque. Living close to the place of worship allowed the Prophet to be near his people but also led to a continuous deluge of followers asking favors from Muhammad and even enemies accusing Muhammad’s wives of improper behavior. The need for modesty and protection of the “Mothers of the Believers” was

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