
The Salience Of Attitude Importance In Cognitive Dissonance

Decent Essays

The cognitive dissonance theory by Leon Festinger is one of the most popular social psychology theories (p.247). Have you ever made a decision that went against your moral code by justified your actions by some excuse? “Well, my friends did it,”, “It looked like fun,”, or my favorite, “I did not think I would get caught!” You’re not the only person to experience this. These are classic reasons that people tell themselves or others whenever they made an action that did not coincide with their moral compass. One does this in order to achieve balance or consistency between one’s logic and behavior. Another crucial component to the cognitive dissonance theory is how it affects one’s attitude after making a decision. The decision could be of any …show more content…

The participants were originally asked to rate how highly they favored government funded loans for students on a scale from one to nine, only those who rated five or higher were asked to continue in the study and how important the topic was to them. The study setup was a three by three. How strong they felt about the topic and the significance it held for the student: low, moderate, and high importance and then the experimental condition: low-choice/low-salience against high-choice/low-salience against high-choice/high-salience. The participants in the low-choice/low-salience group were given fifteen minutes to write an essay contradictory to their beliefs, high-choice/low-salience participants were given a choice in which direction they wanted to write their essay (also in a fifteen minute time frame) in, however, they were suggested write contradictory to their beliefs. Finally, the high-choice/high-salience group was reminded of their high importance ratings from the very beginning and then given the choice in which favor they wanted to write their essay on, once again, in only fifteen …show more content…

On the other hand, those who were in the high-choice groups had a noteworthy change in attitude in which they wrote their essay on. Those who were able to make a choice in their decision about what favor to write on for government-funded student loans became more extreme in their importance rating after their essay. These results all point to cognitive dissonance taking place. People became more resolved in their choice after they made it and became more extreme about their beliefs related to the

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