
The Second Vatican Council Of The Catholic Church Essay

Decent Essays

In 1968, the Second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church published Nostra Aetate, a church document which they hoped would allow for interreligious dialogues to coincide with the Church’s mission of proclamation. This document connects the Church with the other major world religions by saying that the Church “rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions.” Although the document’s original intent was to restore a positive relationship between the Church and the Jewish people, it presented itself as a way to connect to believers of all faiths—including that of the Eastern religions. However, the Secord Vatican Council did not present the first example on interreligious dialogue between Catholics and those of Eastern religions. Rather, the conversation is rich and constantly evolving due to the dialogues of theologians throughout the Church’s history. This can be seen especially in the early twentieth century, resulting in the writing and publication of Nostra Aetate. One such theologian who innovated interreligious dialogue with the East was Thomas Merton, whose connection to Eastern religious, inspired many to embrace religions outside of their own. Merton’s life includes a history of interreligious dialogues which he participated in throughout his search for religious understanding. Dialogue between Eastern religious, especially Buddhism, and Catholicism was modernized in the twentieth century due to the life and work of Thomas Merton. Prior to his

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