
The Secure Fence Act: A Case Study

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“The United States Congress passed the Secure Fence Act, according to this Act, a law was implemented that the Department of Homeland Security to erect a barrier along 700 miles (1,126 Kilometers) of the Mexican border. Many supporters’ think the wall would stem the tide of illegal immigrant and drug smugglers into the United States. Most Americans were in favor of immigration reform, which, 56 percent opposed the wall According to a May 2006 Gallop Poll” Driscoll Sally & Bourassa, Cheryl. “There has been debate in the United States to fall loosely along party lines, mostly with Republicans in favor Democrats opposed to the construction of a border wall. The year of 2014 a choice between securing US borders or dealing with …show more content…

Members of the Tohono O’odham in Arizona believe the wall would impede the traditional ease which members of the tribe have moved across the borders for cultural, social, and spiritual change. The Environmental group, Sierra Club, US Fish and the Wildlife Service believe the wall will destroy protected wildlife refuges, also believe the future endanger threatened species. The Mexican government voiced its opposition concerning the wall, leaving Americans concerned about future political divisiveness between the countries” Driscoll Sally & Bourassa, Cheryl. According to “Driscoll Sally & Bourassa, Cheryl “Supporters of the wall include the Center for immigration Studies; they maintain that without stronger efforts to stem the flow of illegal immigrants, public infrastructure, from hospitals to schools, will disintegrate from the burden of caring for so many people. Others groups argue that an influx of illegal immigrants, willing to work at any price, drives down wages for low-skilled American workers. American see these problems cannot be solved without the protection of some

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