
The Senses Of The Human Body : Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch, And Hearing

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It was Aristotle who is credited with distinguishing between the five senses of the human body: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing (Jacobson, 2007). The 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant proposed that “our knowledge of the outside world depends on our modes of perception” and we must define what sensory is (Bronowski, 1978). All five senses have coinciding organs with specialized cellular structures which translate certain stimuli to create a message. These cellular structures have links to the nervous system which is the message highway to the brain. There, the brain interprets the sense to create a response; whether it’s pleasure, or pain. For us humans, sight might be our most developed sense, but our hearing is a close second.
Our ears – including our outer, middle, and inner, are our body’s organ for hearing. The real purpose of our outer ear isn’t to hold our hair back or keep our sunglasses on, but to capture sound vibrations like a cup and direct them through the skull where they are converted into action potentials in a “sensory dendrite” that is connected to the “auditory nerve” (Farabee, 2001). The brain combines the input of our two ears to determine the direction and distance of sounds.
Sound is produced by a rapid variation in the air when molecules move above and below the current atmospheric pressure. We are able to perceive sound when our eardrums pick up the vibrating air molecules. A vibrating body, such as a guitar string or clapping

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