
The Seven Rules Of Change

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According to Heraclitus, the pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, there was no permanent reality except the reality that change is inevitable, inescapable and immutable (Heraclitus, 2016). So the saying about change being the only constant is very true because things are always evolving and changing. The world revolves, seconds tick away, minutes turn to hours, nothing ever stays the same. In our day to day lives, we face constant changes in our families, jobs, and health (Manning & Curtis, 2012). Whether rational or not, most people fear change. It is important to stop fearing and resisting change because it is only traumatic if you try to resist it. It is important to realize that if things stayed the same, there would be no room for growth or …show more content…

First and foremost, it is imperative that the reason for the change should be a good one and should support the organization’s purpose and goals; reflecting its values and principles (Manning & Curtis, 2012). Second, the organization needs to educate all involved parties how the change will benefit both the organization and the individual to get buy in from those who will be affected. The third step is to involve those who will be affected; going slow as to allow them time to adjust to the changes that are occurring. The fourth rule of change is to put someone who is respected and trusted in the position to announce and coordinate the change because there is less likelihood of resistance. Fifth rule states that honesty is the best policy. The person affected by the change will more accepting if they know the facts and can rationalize the reasoning behind the change. The sixth rule describes the need to be patient and to understand that anything worth having takes time to cultivate. The final rule reiterates the importance of acknowledging and rewarding people for the struggle, sacrifice and contribution they have made to the change process (Manning & Curtis,

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