
The Significance Of Re, The Ancient Egyptian Sun God

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Re, also called Ra, was the ancient Egyptian sun god and one of the creator gods. This deity took a multitude of forms that varied depending on his location and function. Most frequently, Re was identified as the mid-day sun, travelling by boat high in the sky above. His influence permeated all strata of Egyptian society and culture, as his continual visible presence in the sky reinforced his preeminence in the ancient Egyptian pantheon of gods. Throughout Egyptian history, despite the rise and fall in prominence of other deities, Re’s influence in the sky, on the earth, and in the underworld remained intact.
In art, Re is identifiable as the solar disk, shown frequently encircled by a protective cobra, and sometimes depicted with outstretched wings. Re was also depicted as a falcon, with a sun disk crowning his head or portrayed with a human body and the head of a falcon. As the sun, Re had varying forms which represented the sun at differing times of day. As the morning sun, Re was represented with a scarab head, and as the evening sun, he was represented with the head of a ram. At noon, he was portrayed as a falcon-headed deity. Moreover, in later period of Egyptian history, Re was merged frequently with other ancient Egyptian gods to become other forms of the sun. For example, Re-Horakhty was a combination of Re and Horus that represented the morning sun, while Atum-Re was a combination of Re and Atum that represented the evening sun. In these forms, Re can be depicted

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