
The Skills Approach Is A Way For All People With Become Leaders

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Theory Description The skills approach is a way for all people to become leaders. The skills approach shows that one’s ability and knowledge is most vital when determining effective leadership. Although some certain innate skills are needed to create great leaders, it is possible for anyone to gain these skills if he or she is dedicated and willing. Aly Raisman is an Olympic gymnast who excelled in the 2012 London Olympics but came short in winning the all around medal. She worked very hard to get to the Olympics and sacrificed much of her life to become a champion. She understood what level she needed to train at to return to the Olympics in 2016. She understood that it would be more difficult the second time around. Aly’s career …show more content…

They state that she’s missed several events because they interrupt her training. Aly’s coach discusses how hard Aly will have to work to return to where she was during the 2012 Olympics. He also states that he knows she will get where she needs to be if she puts in the work. Aly then states that she is self-motivated and a perfectionist. Aly shows traits that synonymous with great leadership. The major leadership traits described in Northhouse are intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity and sociability. Aly shows determination while preparing for her next Olympics, intelligence in understanding the difficulty in returning, and self-confidence after already experiencing an Olympic game.

Behavioral Approach The behavioral approach focuses on the leader’s behaviors when completing a task or when in a relationship. A task is considered a goal that the group wants to accomplish together. How a leader accomplishes a task will depend on his or her behavior with others and with the situation. Relationship behavior is how the leader treats other people and how the leader cultivates relationships between followers. From this approach we see that each leader has his or her own certain concern for people or for results. This approach can change depending on the situation at hand. This approach really emphasizes that actions speak louder than words (traits or abilities). After taking the leadership behavior questionnaire, I discovered that I am much more

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