
The Skin Of Our Teeth

Decent Essays

Fine art is art developed mainly for aesthetics or beauty. The definition of fine art has the same situation as with all kinds of art in which it is subjective. Thus, generally speaking, fine art is considered to involve some main fine arts such as painting, drawing, sculpture, architecture, photography, and film. Also, some definitions include the performing arts, such as music, theater, and dance (Richard Sheposh, 2017). Performing arts are those arts than involve live, filmed, or videotaped presentation of drama or the performance of certain skills such as dance and theatre. Therefore, this paper is going to discuss three main aspects; the most different part between the Dance Concert and The Skin of Our Teeth, as well as the most similar side between these two performances, and my overall viewpoint of the two performances.
Primary, there are some differences between those two performances, but the most different part of those two performances is the …show more content…

“Unlike ballet choreographer”, who depend on a language with specific steps, “modern dancers create their own dance language” (Funk and Wagnalls, 2017). Thus, the dancers in the performances only use body language and did not talk while dancing except some words. The goal of this performance was to send a message for the audience through their dancing bodies and face expressions and may say some words. As an example, for that is what happen in the Finding Fire dance in which the dancers were telling about people relationships and love with each other and how other people feel about their relationship through only using their body language and face expression with only some words to tell whether they are happy, sad, or angry. In each dance they were representing different story for the audience. On the other hand, the players communication at The Skin of Our Teeth performance. Players communicate through talking,

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