
The Social Norms Of The Imaginary World

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In any given culture, there is are sets of beliefs, or an imaginary world, that governs the way a culture thinks and acts. As a result of the imaginary world, a system of widely accepted social norms and laws are established and followed by all involved in the culture. However, I believe that although the imaginary world does influence the culture as a whole, the concept of free will, agency and individualism plays a part in how each person chooses to interpret the social norms and therefore live their life. Taking the example of the Himba culture, I will be exploring the different aspects of the imaginary world, individual interpretations of the imaginary world, and then looking at BYU imaginary world to prove that each culture, regardless of location, is influenced by an imaginary world as a whole but individuals can be influenced differently due to their relationships with others. Like many cultures, religion is often the biggest influence in developing the social norms of a society, especially morally accepted norms. The Himba people are a passionate, traditional people who are loyal to their God, Mukuru. Their belief in Mukuru drives all of their decisions and what the come to value in life, and also influences the way that they choose to live in regards to their relationships with one another. Life in Otuati, which is referred to as the place of stunted ironwood trees, is simple. “…all human activities are set against the backdrop of an earth created by Mukuru

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