
The Social Work Environment

Decent Essays

Any job environment can become stressful. Particularly in the Social Work field individuals deal with a lot of stressful situations. For example, emotional clients, heavy case loads, not so great pay, tremendous amount of paper work, and long hours. The topic that will be discussed is Stress in the work environment. The text will talk about and provide ways for social workers to reduce and prevent stress.
There are many causes to work-related stress from overload, lack of control, and many other triggers. For example, aspects of the job; Social workers experience a lot of verbal abuse in the field. From angry clients yelling at them or being called inappropriate names. Sometimes social workers can experience physical violence as well. Furthermore, …show more content…

“When study participants (n=3,653) were asked to identify factors that contribute to work-related stress, many indicated that the lack of time to complete the necessary tasks of their jobs was a major issue (31%). Twenty-five percent of respondents acknowledged that their heavy workloads contribute to their stress, perhaps adding to their noted difficulty in completing day-to-day work tasks. Respondents also said that working with difficult or challenging clients affected the level of stress they experience (16%). Additionally, 19 percent of individuals stated that their salaries are not comparable to the salaries of people in similar professions who conduct similar work. Overall, 16 percent of social workers surveyed feel they are poorly compensated for their work” (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, no. …show more content…

Try to make time for regular exercise; when stress is mounting at work, try to take a quick break and move away from the stressful situation. Take a stroll outside the workplace if possible. Physical movement can help you regain your balance. Sleep is another main factor to help reduce stress. “Skimping on sleep leaves interferes with your daytime productivity, creativity, problem-solving skills, and ability to focus. The better rested you are, the better equipped you’ll be to tackle your job responsibilities. What’s more, when you’re operating on a full-night’s sleep, it's much easier to keep your emotional balance, a key factor in coping with job and workplace stress. Avoid stimulating activity and stressful situations before bedtime such as catching up on work. Instead, focus on quiet, soothing activities, such as reading or listening to soft music, while keeping lights low” ( Try to organize and prioritize; by creating a balanced schedule, plan regular breaks, prioritize tasks, and break projects into small

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