
The Strength And Weaknesses Of Different Methods Of Attracting Applications

Good Essays

Analyse the strength and weaknesses of different methods of attracting applications.

The are several different methods of attracting applications

• Internal Advertising: Notice boards, internal publications and company emails.
It may be possible that a job can be filled by someone already working within the company.
The strengths of using this approach is that the candidate will be readily available, The company will have more information about an internal candidate's capabilities and attitude An internal candidate may require less time to adjust to a new job, because they will already know about the organisation;. Also it demonstrates that career opportunities are available within the company. Appointing an internal candidate can speed up …show more content…

The weaknesses in using this approach is that it may be very expensive and time consuming to visits fairs

• RPO: Recruitment Process Outsourcing
Companies use providers to take responsibilities for the whole recruitment process.
The strengths in using this approach is that it saves time for the company. Bringing in an outside expertise with higher rate of applicants. Also it frees up HR for more value – adding activities.
The weaknesses in using this approach is that it gives a perception by some HR people and line managers that the providers is to remote to deal with the real issues and there is a danger of losing control.

• Executive Search Consultants – Head Hunters
A company may use an executive search consultant to fill a senior management position.
The strengths in using this approach is that they can source well qualified candidates who would not usually respond to other media. Which cuts down time and admin work for the company? The potential candidate can be approached directly and informally and they also would have useful contacts which would be able to identify a suitable applicant for the specified role

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