
The Strikeout: A Short Story

Decent Essays

The Strikeout It was a hot summer day. A boy named Kyle got a call on his phone. “It is me Jimmy, do you want to play baseball with Matt and John and me? “ Jimmy said. “Said Jimmy Ok meet us at the field ok see you there.” “Ok we will be at the field us two ok, I see you at field two I’m coming. I’m here let's play ball. “ said kyle “Kyle you're up strike one strike two strike three you're out kyle you “ suck Jimmy says.” “Matt and John go over to Kyle and they say leave him alone.” “Jimmy runs “ away thanks for sticking up for me you guy’s.” “Matt and John seed Kyle do not worry about Jimmy he will not come back.” “The next day.” Hello “ hello it's me Jimmy i’m sorry about yesterday I’m sorry about what I said to you.” Kyle it is

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