
The Struggle For Liss And Georgia In How To Be Brave

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Right after her mother’s slow and painful death Georgia becomes very depressed and unsure of how she will ever be brave again without her mother by her side. Although she is torn between enjoying life or mourning her mother’s death her best friend Liss helps her through it helping and creating drama. In the book, How to be Brave, written by E. Katherine Kottaras Georgia receives a letter from her mom right before she dies describing how she wants her only daughter not to live a fearful life like she did but instead be brave while you're out in the world trying everything you can. So when her mother dies Georgia becomes determined to do just that. Unlike her best friend Liss, Georgia has always lived life on the sidelines; uncomfortable …show more content…

This is a big night for Liss because she is making a big step in her relationship with Greg, but it doesn’t go as planned. Georgia goes to the party with Liss thinks that it is going to be all fine and dandy, until she realizes that Liss is flirting with Daniel, or at least she thinks she is; but it’s really just the pot brownies that Evelyn gave them. The girls get mad at each other and end up in a big fight all because of it. Then everyone gets drunk and make a lot of bad decisions. Greg and Georgia kiss and then Liss finds out and is furious because he is her boyfriend. Because Georgia and Liss get into this big fight about Greg and Daniel they stop talking to each other and they start to drift apart from each other. Georgia see’s Liss and Daniel in the hall together everyday hanging out along with her “new friends”. Georgia assumes that Daniel and Liss are dating because they are so close and becomes even more upset at Liss because she knows that Liss knew she really liked him. After this Liss and Daniel go a special trip together for a class and Georgia sees all the fun they are having on social …show more content…

Georgia knew this is how it would turn out; Liss would get the guy and she would be left all alone. But just because it is an important night for their highschool lives doesn’t mean that Georgia is going to be left without a spotlight. After working for weeks and all of Christmas break on her art project it was finally done and turned it. Although she can’t see it in herself, everyone around her can; Georgia is a very talented artist who can paint, draw and create wonderful masterpieces. For thinking over a year that she would never be able to draw like her mom she had finally achieved her goal; she did it. It is validated when her art teacher pulls her aside after class one day to tell her that her projects and pieces were chosen to be shown and or purchased at an art gallery in downtown Chicago. The only downfall is, is that it is the same night as prom, but no big deal to Georgia as she wasn’t going to go anyways. As a peace offering to Liss she sticks a flyer for the show in her locker later that day in hopes that she might show up. A few weeks go by and she still hasn’t had a real conversation with Liss, even though they both know that they miss each. The night of the art shows comes rather quickly and she is surprised to see that Liss, Daniel, Avery and Chloe all come to see her work. Liss and Georgia make up after what seems like forever, because they

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