
The Study of Informatics

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The study that combines human behavior, interaction of computing systems and transformation of an information is called Informatics. The study of informatics includes knowledge in the field of computer hardware, software, processors, satellite communication, internet services, data security, artificial intelligence, etc.
Social network can be defined as a system where a user creates his public profile and link or browse contents, links or profiles of other users. Social networks serve a number of purposes for its users, majorly includes; a) creation, maintenance and strengthening existing social connections, b) uploading of private contents whose contents depends on type of site, c) finding new, interesting contents by filtering, recommending, and organizing the content uploaded by users. Social network websites give user an option to make their profile visible to networks so that give opportunities for communication with connected people. These purposes can be easily implemented by the advancement in the knowledge of informatics. Social networking tools got an increasing popularity with internet users. The number of providers has been rising within the last years, partially focusing on services for regional user groups or on services for users with particular interests, which may be based on relationships or motivation e.g. religious commotions, protests, focused discussions and seminars, etc. This happens when users join a social network, and publish their own content, and

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