
The Tempest Research Paper

Decent Essays

In William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, there are many themes that go along with the story. In this essay, the themes I will discuss are magic, work, kingship, and regicide. There are many examples to support each of these themes that coincide with both the book by Shakespeare, and the movie directed by Julie Taymor. Although the book and the movie have some differences, the themes are constant through both. In The Tempest Prospero (Prospera in the movie) uses a lot of magic and has Ariel, the indentured servant who uses magic as well. In the beginning of the play, Prospero starts up a tempest, a storm, to spread the men on ship, around the island. Ariel makes sure that nobody gets killed in this storm. Ariel became an indentured servant to Prospero because Prospero found Ariel locked in a tree, and set him free. (The Tempest 1.2.295-348) Ariel promised to be true to Prospero for a full year, and at this point in the play, Ariel will be set free in two days. In act two, scene one, Sebastian and Antonio plan to kill Alonso and Gonzalo while they are sleeping. Sebastian wants to be king, and he thinks that Ferdinand is dead. They decided to kill them, but as soon as they draw their swords, Ariel uses his invisibility and magic to wake Gonzalo and Alonso …show more content…

As mentioned before, Ariel is an indentured servant to Prospero because he saved him. Ariel seems to be growing impatient as to when Prospero will finally set him free. “I prithee, Remember I have done thee worthy service, Told thee no lies, made no mistakings, served Without or grudge of grumblings Thou did promise To bate me a full year. (The Tempest 1.2 294-299) Caliban was the original king on the island before Prospero and Miranda came. Prospero became de facto king, and Caliban became his slave. Caliban has to do a lot of work, and he gets physical punishments such as cramps, urchins, and bees all brought by Prospero’s magic. (The Tempest

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