
The Toyota System

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• Introduction: The actual market competition requires companies increasing quality and reducing cost by reducing any type of waste. The Toyota System production is based on two pillars: increase efficiency and reduce waste since the beginning of the process by developing details plan and activities focusing on long term results. Despite the fact of the simplicity definition of lead thinking, in practice developing lean thinking techniques is a challenging activity for companies especially in these competitive markets that requires quality, speed and customize products (Marutschke, 2012). • Lean thinking and performance: Companies, thinking on lean techniques, believe that utilization of some lean principles will generates great results in short time (Jones & Mitchell, 2006). But implementation of lean techniques not only requires capital investments but also integration with company strategy and core business operations. As the Toyota Case indicated, the long term vision (despite of short term results) and the detail plan analysis since the beginning is a challenging process on western mentality focus on immediate results (short term position). As an example, several articles during 2012 up today critiqued Toyota results and car safeties. In fact comparing 2012 financial report versus 2013, Toyota had a competitive 18% increased on revenues and almost 300% on net results. Under western view short term results are so relevant that cannot consider the long term view of

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