
The Transcendent Dimension Of Ecology Essay

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The Transcendent Dimension of Ecology in Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide
Dr. R. Badhridevanath,
Assist. Prof. English & IQAC Coordinator,
Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women (Autnomous)
Tamilnadu &
Charles Godwin,
Asst. Prof. of English,
Akash Degree College,

Ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment. The word ‘Eco’ and ‘Critic’ is derived from the Greek word ‘Oikos’ and ‘Kritic’. The relationship is that literature is the reflection of life and this life entirely depends upon nature. Without nature there is no life, without life there is no literature. So literature and nature are inter-relatedn to each other. Ecocriticism celebrates nature to certain extent. But its pivotal aim is to make people aware of the importance of nature in an extreme situation of eco-crisis.
Ecocriticism or green studies both terms are used to denote a critical approach which began in U.S.A during 1980’s and in the U.K during 1990’s. It is still an emerging moment or an updating theory, which is feathering its wings in new colours. William Rueckert first termed the coin Ecocriticism in the year 1978, in his essay ‘Literature and Ecology- an experiment in ecocriticism’. Ecocriticism as it now extent in U.S.A, takes its literary bearings from three major 19th century American writers Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) and

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