What is Adolescence? It is the period of life from puberty to maturity terminating legally at the age majority (Merriam-Webster, 2013). In addition to, it is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood. This is an individual’s most difficult time because they are no longer needed to be taken care of like they were in their early childhood. Huge responsibilities and real life situations have suddenly caught up to them. Their parents are slowly letting them grow up and handle conflicts on their own. Unfortunately, this all leads to adolescents’ most frustrations to grow because of the amount of independence they have. In addition to, the desire and pressure of acceptance by their peers are stronger than ever. For these reasons and numerous others, suicide is the third leading cause of death during the adolescent years (Karaman, D., & Durukan, I., 2013). This leads individuals to question why are adolescents at such a young age trying to attempt suicide and who should be blamed when a child has committed suicide? Fortunately, psychologists have found preventions and signs that can help adults to figure out if their child is at risk of attempting to suicide.
Research indicates most teens who happen to be depressed reveal warning signs. Numerous studies have asserted that depression is clearly associated with suicide (Hamrin & Pachler 2005). Depression warning signs may be constantly crying and experiencing sudden sadness. When someone is depressed, they usually tend
Adolescence is a worrisome period of life, characterized by a series of hormonal changes and big confusion which can lead the young person to isolate and to estrange himself from his environment. This stage is often punctuated with moments of depression, especially if the teenager is deprived of an individual that can support him and listen to him. Already, this period of transition towards the grown-up world becomes a favorable ground for suicidal thoughts. If, besides, you add secondary problem, but unneglectable, suicide represents then a possible solution for the young person.
Whenever an individual is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the individual and the family members often wonder what the future holds for them, and the diagnosed individual. Although there is no statistical evidence on the life expectancy for the community of people with ASD, most premature deaths that do occur are related to the lack of care in an institution, infection, and/or poor medical supervision (Van Hecke, 2010). Premature deaths can also be linked to suicide by individuals in the ASD community, often those with a less severe version of the disorder. Suicide can most commonly occur when the individual develops a mental illnesses, often as the cause of a disconnect from society. Common mental illnesses associated with ASD
(372) In adolescent’s fatal illness are so uncommon that suicide is the third leading cause of death. About half of teenage suicides have been tied to clinical depression, low self-esteem, and feelings of hopelessness. Teenagers who have tried to kill themselves seem to also struggle with anger and impulsiveness and have deficiencies with their ability to sort out and solve problems; they may also have alcohol or drug problems (Comer, 2013, pp. 303). With this in mind some of the factors that make adolescent predominantly at risk for suicide are: societal factors, weakening family ties, easy access and pressure to use drugs and alcohol, and not to mention the detailed descriptions of suicide that the media has shown(Comer, 2013, pp. 304). Adolescent is a time of growth and self discovery so, it’s no wonder teenagers who attempt or consider suicide are under a great deal of stress. Teenagers seem to react more sensitively, angrily, dramatically, or impulsively which may be why suicidal acts in times of stress seem to be increasing. I’m not saying all teenagers have tried to commit suicide, but the ones that have either accomplished the deed or attempt to. The ones that attempt to seem to have higher
“Statistics reveal that in the US approximately...nearly one million people attempt suicide each year” ("Suicide Risk Among Abused Children."). Suicide is not an act of randomness. It is a result of prolonged feelings and/ or events, which push that person to extremes they desperately want out of. Suicide rates are amongst the highest in teens, due to their lack of support systems. During these years many are trying to find-out who they are and fit in, thus many get accepted into some people’s views, but there are also a good number that get ignored and feel like they do not belong anywhere. Teen suicide can be a result of a home-life of abuse or mistreatment, psychological disorders, and lack of social support-bullying; however, through the education on the warning signs of suicide, providing more emotional outlets at schools, and creating safer environments the number of annual victims can be decreased.
My transition from childhood to adulthood took place when I got my first job, as a lifeguard, the summer of my Freshmen year of High School. During this summer I learned important skills and life lessons and by the end of the summer I had a new perspective on what it means to be an adult and the challenges that came with this transition. These skills include teamwork, communication and a new sense of responsibility.
Teenagers experience strong feelings of stress, confusion, self-doubt, and pressure to succeed while growing up. These are fears that teens face every day and suicide may seem like the solution to their problems. There are many signs for parents to watch for in teenagers: changes in eating and sleeping habits, drug or alcohol abuse, violent actions, rebellious behavior, frequent complaints, and withdrawal from family and friends. Many of these signs and symptoms can be similar to depression. It is important for parents, teachers, and physicians to be aware of these symptoms in adolescents. (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, October 2013).
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older, this was not what I expected.
Teen suicide is a growing health concern. The third-leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 15 to 24 years and the fourth-leading cause of death among those aged 10 to 14 years. Teenagers commit suicide because of mental illness, substance abuse, and feeling of
Teen suicide has been gradually increasing over the past decade throughout our entire nation. The best and most efficient way to prevent teen suicide is to inform people of its existing threat and to teach people to look for warning signs. Teen suicide is an important issue because it threatens a myriad of lives that have so much great potential. To assist you in understanding the severity of this current issue, i will provide the following statistics about teen suicide, relations and examples, warning signs, and causes. Periods of anxiety or depression during adolescence are common and can be normal scientific reactions to loss or under unbearable amounts of stress. (quiet like the two romantic
Teenagers all around the world are having millions of suicidal thought running through their minds. Even if they have a happy childhood when they grow up and become adolescents, they can become suicidal.(Berman , 2006). There are several different factors that contribute to make a teenager think suicide is the only solution. Depression, bullying, lack of parent's attention are just some of many causes that lead to a teenager's suicide. In the United States suicide is the third cause of death in teenagers between 15-24 years old (Gould, 2004). Studies have shown that having a gun in the house is a big contributor to suicide. Many other causes can involve psychological issues like depression, a bipolar
Suicide is the third leading cause of deaths in adolescents in the United States. Teen suicide is also often referred to as a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Teens so often are suicidal and attempt suicide as a call for help from others. They have no intention in dying they are just trying to cry out for help from anyone that will listen. Many reasons cause teen to attempt suicide, varying from bullying to psychological disorders. In fact, psychological disorders accounts for about 90% of teens who attempt or commit suicide. Teenagers are also at higher risk of suicide when they are under
In one of the article it also talks about ways to notice if someone is suffering from depression or needs helps with depression. According to (site) 4 out of 5 adolescents show warning signs. Some warning signs suicide threats either direct or indirect, dramatic change in appearance or personality, change in eating, or attendance of school. Although some adolescents may show no signs, many of them
Some children are forced to have various responsibilities from a young age or even work full time. What kind of affect could this have on their transition to adulthood?
As a result, teen suicide is the third leading cause for all deaths for young adults. Abuse at home, having low self-esteem, and bullying are three of the many factors. Teenagers who are faced with the idea to commit suicide should immediately talk to a parent or counselor for help. Obviously there are many more factors for teen suicide: divorce of parents, feelings of worthlessness, rejection from family and friends, substance abuse, and deaths are other factors and reasons of why teenagers commit suicide. In many cases of suicide, teenagers will actually try to talk to someone about their problems. The young adult will show many signs and warnings before taking their lives. Most adults and teens never notice because they have no knowledge of all the signs and symptoms of suicide. Knowing theses signs will help to prevent most suicidal cases. It is important to show the teenager whom has thoughts of suicide unconditional love and emotional support. Suicide should not be anyone’s solution for escaping their problems.
Adolescence is a stage of maturation between childhood and adulthood that denotes the period from the beginning of puberty to maturity. However, many conflicting opinions are raised about weather such a stage of childhood is influenced by stress, depression, and suicide rate. Some people support the optimistic view that says that adolescence is not a period of storm and stress. Others, including me, support an opposite pessimistic view which characterizes adolescence as a period of stress and inner turmoil. Unfortunately, it has been recently proved that depression is a growing problem in today 's society and a major contributing factor for a multitude of adolescent problems. This is because , as research indicates, adolescent depression