
The Triangle Boom

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The great nation America was still enjoying the benefits associated with industrial revolution in the early twentieth century. Big factories were been open and a lot of jobs were created as a result of this huge revolution. This force of industrialization transformed American society significantly. On the other hand, the industrial revolution made America a target land for immigrants who were seeking better live. People from all walks of life saw America as a land full of milk and honey and the best place to seek for greener pasture. Most of these immigrants were coming from Italy and part of them were European Jewish immigrants. This provided cheap and available labor that in …show more content…

The triangle waist company which later become the center for work place reforms occupied the eighth to the tenth floor of the Asch loft building. Loft buildings are fire prove but were not meant for factories. Factory owners in their pursuit for high profits at the safety of their workers turned loft buildings into factories. By using loft buildings they save a lot and also meet the requirements of most regulations. Factory owners in loft buildings had cheap insurance because the buildings are fire proof, free daylight till evening so saving on gas, and huge space on top which put them within the law. The triangle waist company took advantage of this and packed closely to each other. The owners knew that the location was unsafe and conditions in the building made it easy for it to catch fire. The chief of the New York fire department had issued a warning that his team will not take care of any fire above the seventh floor because the streams from the water-towers have no penetration after the seventh floor. (page …show more content…

The girls were in line in the passageway ready to be checked out when the fire broke out. The tiny passageway was not spacious enough for the feared to death young immigrants fighting for a way out of the building. Almost everything in the factory is flammable, so it was difficult to control the fire. The fire department responded quickly, but their holes could not reach the eighth to the tenth floor. The fire escape was knocked off, the elevators stop working and the only door out was locked. The poor girls who were faced with death had no option than to jump out of the building. The nets of the fire department were not strong enough to trap the girls to safety. This horrific scene enters the mind’s eye of families and eye witnesses. Within minutes, all was lost. America was hit with one horrific incident that could not be over looked. The death toll reached one hundred and forty-six. Though some bodies were burned beyond recognition, all but six were identified. This catastrophic tragedy sent a Shockwave through the city of New York and over the border to the families of these young migrant workers. Families grieved and angered over the repugnant working conditions that has led to the tragic fire that claimed one hundred and forty-six lives within thirty minutes. This catastrophic tragedy changed

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