
The Union And Staff Development Committee

Decent Essays

The union and staff development committee were responsible for coming up with the different policies for the teachers and their rights. The first policy that we were presented was about the teachers and the union. In order to join the union the teachers will pay fifty dollars a month that will give them many different benefits, there will also be staff meetings, and teacher appreciation week. I feel that as a future educator this policy is extremely important in making sure that teachers are successful. Being in a union has many benefits, not only the discounts but it also gives teachers support and they are able to find help if they need it, it also provides a sense of unity by knowing that they have someone behind them. Having staff meetings allows the teachers to be able to collaborate with one another and collaboration is extremely important in making sure that the students are being taught the same thing and it allows the teachers to talk about any problems they may be having with teaching, whether something is not working or something is creating a problem in their classroom. I feel that all of the parts of this policy benefit the teacher in making sure that they have the support that they need and allows them to work out any problem that they are faced with. The next policy is about teacher pay and where the pay should start at for Seeburger Heights and when you should get a raise. At Seeburger Heights we are going to start off paying $50,000 per year for teachers

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