
The Universe : My Life

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Growing up, my parents were young, they had me when they were only teenagers. They and my Grandparents made plans, till they felt like they could handle me, my Grandfather would be my caretaker. He and I would explore the world, he’d teach me about plant species and animals, science and math. We would have outings to the Cascades, hike trails and learn about the wildlife that was roamed the areas. During summer nights we would stargaze and learn about the cosmos. We spent years collecting issues for “Secrets of the Universe: Your Guide to the Cosmos”. He was the smartest, most knowledgeable person I knew, and I learned more with him in those years than I did when I was in school. He was my best friend, my mentor, he was the most important person in my life.
A month before I started high school, things changed. He died. My grandfather died, not only did I lose support, I lost my most fervent connection to knowledge and my only real friend. I was lost, depressed and made the purposeful effort to secluded myself. I spent most of my time skipping classes with friends or going home to be alone in my room. For several long years I surrounded myself with people who would rather get high than do anything else. I became lethargic, and didn’t care about the future I was setting myself up for. The stars in my life were gone. When my senior year came around I couldn’t get myself out of the rut I had become so familiar with and wasn’t ready to graduate. Instead of continuing, I quit.

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