
The Unlikely Hero Of Room 13b Essay

Decent Essays

It is often that authors tend to randomize the names they select for their characters and that is exactly the case in teresa toten’s the unlikely hero of room 13b . Toten’s Novel features two dynamic characters named adam and robyn. Upon researching the meanings of both of the characters’ names, it occurred to me that the names given to these character’s didn’t quite match up to their specific character traits. for example, adam means “man”, “ earthly” or “to be red”. none of these meanings quite suit adam as a character, and they don’t go along with him in any way shape or form. even if one were to further research the meaning of “adam”, you would simply become bombarded with a bunch of biblical references. many articles referred to adam as being “the beginning” or some sort of creator,and in a way this can relate in the novel. In the Novel adam sort of “creates” a bond between the members of his support group. adam was the link the support …show more content…

Robyn is adam’s love interest and she is usually the main cause of Adam’s internal conflicts. “Robyn” means “famed”, “bright”, and “shining”. in a sense, this name can be considered suitable for her as a character. When she first enters Adam’s life, everything seems to be going downhill for him but she is able to be to turn him around. Robyn is basically the bright light and the end of the tunnel for adam, she is his motivation to get better. The meaning behind the name “Robyn” also works for this character because of the way she enters the support group. Immediately upon entering this group, all attention is adverted towards her, everyone can’t seem to stop focusing on her. She walks in with confidence, she walks in as if she were some sort of shining star. Positivity just radiates off of her and everyone is drawn to her, SHE is a magnet. This ability to draw people in is what makes the name “Robyn” work for her

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