
The Up Series Of A Longitudinal Study

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The Up Series documents the lives of fourteen children in a longitudinal study. The filmmaker interviews these fourteen individuals every seven years to examine how their lives progress over time and to examine how their socioeconomic status affects their life. In this paper, Suzy will be examined from age 7 to age 56. Over the course of the Up Series, Suzy’s personality and priorities changed dramatically in almost all of the aspects of her life. From the small bits and pieces of her life that were captured and shown on the series, the course her life could have taken could have been much different. Her story shows that one life event can change the course of your whole life. In the end Suzy was the poster child of how one life event can change the rest of your life. She is not necessarily the poster child for wealth, prosperity and privilege that the series paint her to be. Initially, she was because that was the type of person the filmmaker wanted to portray her as. However, in the end, she was successful at portraying herself very differently. It took her many years to do so, but she was able to do it. By the end of the series, Suzy changed the way she portrays herself, and much of this change has to do with the life events she has experienced. She experienced being a resistant child and young adult on the series, losing a parent at a young age, finding a successful marriage and experiencing financial instability. All of these events happened at an age the made her grow

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