
The Use Of Slang And Its Significance On English Essay

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Before getting into the abundance of slang and its significance on English, it is first best to cover the four base words of the LGBTQ community and how they have transgressed over time. Queer, lesbian, homosexual, and gay all share an importance to the beginnings of the more modern usages. The origin of queer is unclear, but the Oxford English dictionary defines one of its earliest meanings around 1513 as ‘strange, odd, peculiar, eccentric’. It wasn’t until the 1900s that it was used as an offensive term for homosexual people, with its original meaning still in context. This changed in the 1990s when early conversations about queer theory were had by social theorists Michel Foucault, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Judith Butler, and others. This brought the word into a new light. Of course it still holds some of its derogatory meaning, but by using this word to define a theory that discussed the idea that gender is major part of the necessary self and in gay/lesbian studies it closely examines the socially constructed nature of identities and sexual acts. This reading connects directly with what is happening at present, which is a reclaiming of queer by people in the LGBTQ community to stand for both questioning and sexual and gender minorities. In her article on equality, Lisa Duggan states, “Queer people, particularly queer people of color, began to reclaim queer in response to a perceived shift in the gay community toward liberal conservatism, catalyzed by Andrew Sullivan 's

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