
The Value Of Arts In Education

Decent Essays

Introduction: The piece that stood out to me the most is how as a nation, we understand the value of the arts, but at the same time, we are slowly depleting them from our schools. How can we as educators see their benefits, but not do anything about it? I think it is important as a future teacher to understand the number of benefits that the arts offer and the realization that we must work harder in keeping these skills in our school. Once we implement arts completely in our classroom, the benefits are endless in helping our students succeed in every area of their lives. This mindset would transform our students, schools, and teaching methods to create the entire school on a path that puts our students’ needs first.
The Big Picture: The important pieces in The Big Picture portion of this article was the realization that art is a vital piece in education. I think the piece that stood out to me the most was the percentages of what the public believed that the benefits of arts were in the classroom. As a future educator, it shows most of my students’ families will also agree that learning and incorporating art into every subject will increase the learning environment, process, and retention of my students. If a school majority agrees that art is an important piece of learning, the entire school, classroom, students, and teaching methods would reflect that idea. I want my students to feel ownership to their learning and I feel that art gives them the ownership they need.

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