
The World War II : Japan

Decent Essays

Despite its action of the past and it apparition on the World War II, Japan nowadays represents one of the most powerful countries in the world, and it is a clear representation of redeemed and proof that the choice of accurate decision could empower a State. Even though it is a small country, Japan is comprehensibly a demonstration that a big territory is not a meaning of power, and that in fact, it has more influence in the world than most of the bigger countries. Why is it a powerful country? From the very rudimentary definition of power, it means the ability or authority to do something, the political control and the views of the country in terms of international influence (Oxford Canadian Dictionary). Throughout the whole history, power is closely related with military forces and hard power; however, power is also represented by the consequences of proper manage of domestic policies not only economically but also socially, which can influence in both regional and international level, making the country a power influence. Michael Foucault established that the idea of power is based on actors and the ability to make decisions and put them into practice to be in control, in this order of ideas, it enables to make politics and institutions work. As well, he stated that power is everywhere and it is not necessarily repressive, prohibitive, negative or exclusionary; it is closely related with the idea that power is also positive. The essence of soft power relies on the use

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