
The Zhou Dynasty: The Mandate Of Heaven

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The Zhou Dynasty
Around 1046 BC, King Wu, the leader of the Zhou (Chou), a subject people living in the west of the Chinese kingdom, overthrew the last king of the Shang Dynasty. King
Wu died shortly after this victory, but his family, the Ji, would rule China for the next few centuries. Their dynasty is known as the Zhou Dynasty.
The Mandate of Heaven
After overthrowing the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou propagated a new concept known as the Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate of Heaven became the ideological basis of Zhou rule, and an important part of Chinese politcal philosophy for many centuries. The Mandate of Heaven explained why the Zhou kings had authority to rule
China and why they were justifed in deposing the Shang dynasty. The Mandate held that here could only be one …show more content…

A king could, however, lose the aproval of heaven, which would result in that king being overthrown. Since the Shang kings had become immoral—because of their excesive drinking, luxuriant living, and cruelty— they had lost heaven’s aproval of their rule. Thus the Zhou rebelion, acording to the idea, tok place with the aproval of heaven, because heaven had removed supreme power from the Shang and bestowed it upon the Zhou.
Western Zhou
After his death, King Wu was suceded by his son Cheng, but power remained in the hands of a regent, the Duke of Zhou. The Duke of Zhou defeated rebelions and established the Zhou Dynasty firmly in power at heir capital of Fenghao on the Wei
River (near modern-day Xi’an) in western China. The period in which the Zhou held undisputed power over China is known as the Western Zhou period. A number of important inovations tok place in this period. The Zhou moved away from worship of
Shangdi, the supreme god under the Shang, in favor of Tian (“heaven”). New advances in irigation alowed more intensive farming, which in turn alowed the lands of China to sustain larger populations. Lands were farmed by peasants, who were controled by

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