
Theme Of Forgiveness In Persepolis

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“One can forgive, but one should never forget”. Forgiveness is a main idea in the award-winning and compelling novel, Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi. It is mentioned throughout the novel numerous times, which can be seen as surprising. The novel is very sensitive, very detailed, and very brutal in many areas. One may think it is absurd how many times “forgiveness” is mentioned. However, the fact that a child is able to look past the smoke-filled air and shouts of violence in the streets, and have enough love in her heart to focus on forgiveness, speaks volumes for what the basis of the novel is about, as well as the message that is being sent out to the world for the future days to come.
In Persepolis, stories are told from young Marjane’s perspective. In almost every story, things are happening in her town that are causing conflict to her neighbors, her friends, and her close family. In particular, the story titled “Kim Wilde”, Marjane is the center of the conflict. Ladies from the Women’s Branch of the Guardians of The Revolution caught her on the street wearing Nike sneakers and a blue jean jacket adorned with a Michael Jackson pinback button. She was questioned and taken into further hands, but pleaded her case and was released from any further questioning. It is unfathomable to even think about myself, being stopped as I walk across campus at Mississippi University for Women, getting stopped and questioned (even perhaps, punished) for what I am wearing. However, things

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