
Theories About Human Behaviour And Its Effects On Human Behavior

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Schacter (2012) defined Behaviourism as “an approach that advocates that psychologists restrict themselves to the scientific study of objectively observable behaviour” (pg 19). Behaviours that can be observed include covert behaviours, like thoughts and emotions, and behaviourism can be used to analyse these and then modify them. In the 20th century Pavlov, Thorndike, Watson and Skinner all played very important roles in the emergence of Behaviourism and helped tear away from other psychology fields. Theories about human behaviour were concluded by experiments on animals and how they interacted with their environment. This then led to different experiments in conditioning behaviour that was learnt from environment and reinforcement.

As behaviourism is primarily concerned with observable behaviour, behaviourism believes that when you are born you start with a ‘Tablu Rasa’. Therefore this means that your behaviour has to be learnt through your environment. Behaviour is the result of a stimulus that is presented to either a human or an animal and this then will produce a certain response which has been moulded by their environment, this is called conditioning. From experiments that Pavlov has carried out, we know that there isn’t a great difference in the way that humans and animals learn. Research can then be carried out with humans as well as humans. (Mcleod, S. Behaviourist Approach. Retrieved from

Pavlov developed a

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