
Theories Of Motivation On The Workplace And How Employees Can Produce The Best Work Possible As Well As Biblical

Satisfactory Essays

Most employers today would like to have their employee’s motivated and ready to work, but do not understand what truly motivates a person. Companies could become well organized if the employees had a devoted interest in the future of the company. This paper will examine different theories of motivations, how they are relevant to the workplace and how employees can produce the best work possible as well as biblical principles. Ephesians 4:29 say, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the used of edifying, that it may minister grace unto hearers” (KJV).

Motivation 3

Just like any other word, there are variations of definitions to describe a concept. Motivation too has many different definitions, but it is important to focus on those that are related to the workplace. Understanding exactly what motivation is will help managers decide what actions to rake to encourage their employees. The definition of motivation starts with the root word, motive. Webster’s Dictionary defines motive us, something causes a person to act. Therefore, motivation can be defined as, the act of providing motive that causes someone to act. (Shanks, Nancy). In other words, according to Nancy Shanks, motivation causes someone to act and someone else cannot make someone motivated. It is the discretion of the person to decide if they are going to be motivated or not. Motivated and unmotivated are not opposites, but instead, there are

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