
Theories Of Nola Pender

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The health promotion model is a theory of nursing that was developed by Dr. Nola Pender. Her theory was first proposed in 1982 and then revised in 1996. Dr. Pender was influenced by the work of James Hall, who studied people’s behavior and its correlation to health. Her work is a middle-range theory, as there are specific concepts that are observable, that she designed to be a counterpart to models of health protection in which health is simply viewed as the absence of illness. Pender’s theory was critiqued using the criteria from Fawcett (2005). Although there are limitations to Pender’s health promotion model, her theory is the best to use in nursing as it focuses on the promotion of individualized optimal health and produces increased positive outcomes. Significance The health promotion model is greatly significant to nursing as it identifies and focuses on three main concepts: individual characteristics and experiences, behavior-specific cognitions and affects, and behavioral outcomes (Petiprin, 2016). Pender addresses and clearly defines each metaparadigm concept and propositions in relation to her conceptual model. Pender (2011) defines humans as biopsychosocial beings that actively seek to control their behavior that is formed by the environment which is made of social, cultural, and physical aspects where life occurs. Pender believes that the environment can be manipulated by both individuals and nursing in order to produce behaviors that optimize one’s health

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