After the ethical examination of both therapeutic and enhancement gene modification, it can be stated that therapeutic gene modification is a good thing and enhancement gene modification can be a bad thing. But the other issue is where do you draw the line between the two gene modifications. On paper it might seem like a clear cut distinction but take the example of children who use human growth hormone. Assume a child has a medical condition and their treatment stunts their growth, so they are prescribed human growth hormone. The human growth hormone is able to help the child grow to his normal hight thus returning him to the baseline. But now that there is a doctor prescribing human growth hormone, and different parent hear about this treatment …show more content…
I believe that there is nothing wrong with the therapeutic gene modification when it involves somatic cells. I think that it is our moral responsibility to do what we can to help save the lives of people who are suffering. The doctors who would be proscribing the treatment have all made a hippocratic oath so it would be their moral duty to follow through on using this particular treatment. Therapeutic gene manipulation with somatic cells would break any moral, ethical, or legal laws. But the other forms of genetic manipulation are a little tricky. Therapeutic gene manipulation of germ cells can be a useful treatment of disease but its effect plays a role in a larger scope then just the patient alone. I think that it poses a greater risk to the whole of humanity of we allow changes to germ cells and future generations. It would open the door to all other types of genetic manipulation. So rules have to be put in place so no abuse of medical treatment occurs. Finally there should not be any type of enhancement gene modification occurring. I think that it will overall produce more harm then good. It is not a medical procedure that is used to help people who are suffering it would simply be a mechanism that would only play a negative role in human development, simultaneously breaking many ethical rules along the way. Genetic
Therapeutic Services Program of Study By Emma Tallent There are many different programs of study to choose from at Heritage High School, but have you ever heard of therapeutic services? The therapeutic services program focuses primarily on changing the health status of the patient over time. Professionals work directly with patients; they may provide care, treatment, counseling and health education information. In other words, therapeutic services help people whether they are sick, injured, or if they need counseling.
Therapeutic Recreation is needed in long term care facilities to help the older adult patients live a better quality of life. The elders are provided with programs and therapy sessions to assist in their recovery of functional loses from cardio vascular accidents, illness, fractures, and surgery. The goals in these settings are to help the elder patients cope with their free time, their diseases or illnesses, loss of function, and to try to help the individuals to adapt to their communities again. Recreation Therapy addresses the areas of restoring function; help maintan, reduction of heath risk factors, and psychossocial competence. They can restore these problems by including fitness, activities with movement, sensory and cognitive stimulation programs, social interactions skills, and self- expression. Theses programs will help improve activities for daily living and being able to function in the community.
Gene therapy has the potential to revolutionize modern medicine. The techniques of gene therapy are still in their infancy as medical treatments and there are still many problems which must be solved before gene therapy will live up to its potential. However, it is very likely that gene therapy will become a reality at some point in the future and when that time comes, the ethical questions surrounding gene therapy will be pushed to the forefront of medicine. Science may find a way to reduce the risks associated with gene therapy but science alone cannot eliminate the serious ethical and societal risks which gene therapy brings to bear on the world. We need to put people's
The good results obtained with the epoxy crosslinked enzymes encourages us to make a step forward and implemented the method for magnetic CLEAs. Magnetic CLEAs have the advantage over the CLEAs of being directly removed from the reaction medium with a magnet avoiding centrifugation steps. The procedure was the same as the CLEAs but including amino derivatized magnetic particles to crosslink with the protein, resulting in protein and magnetic particles aggregates. The precipitants selected for this assays were ammonium sulfate as it works for the normal CLEAs and a 50 % PEG 6000 (polyethylene glycol with an average molecular weight of 6000) solution. PEGs are well known protein precipitants, they adsorb water dehydrating the proteins and precipitating
Altering a person’s genes create an ethical issue that needs to be thought out. Altering a person’s genes could help prevent disease but without laws being in place for the extent of using this alteration, parents would be playing god with genetics (scientists seek ban). Not only would parents be playing god, but the most fundamental issue is how we will view humanity in the future and “whether we are going to take the dramatic step of modifying our own germline and in a sense take control of our genetic destiny” said George Q. Daley who is a stem cell expert at Boson Children’s hospital. (Scientists seek ban). Even though scientist want to know more about the genes ethics is important to them. Volti talks about how if this is available to
Genetic Engineering has been hailed as one of the greatest scientific developments of the 21st century. The argument above is one of many, posed to ask human beings to think about whether or not genetic engineering is morally and ethically right. By modifying genes and DNA or by introducing new genes into an embryo, organisms are given new, often beneficial,
Based on gene editing’s current technology, I believe that it should not be a general medical practice; however, as the technology advances, professionals should be allowed to modify human genes but only restrict this to somatic cells. I believe that this distinction should be made due to the technology’s current issues and the ethics pertaining to gene modification.
Instruct the patient to take the medication as prescriber directed. If missed a dose take the missed dose as soon as remembered and following doses should be evenly spaced. Also advice the patient that the dose takes weeks till therapeutic effects are achieved. Do not discontinue or reduce dose during this time since there are side effects. Some of the withdrawal effects include; dizziness; nausea; vomiting; GI upset; trembling; or uncontrolled movements of mouth, tongue, or jaw.
The alteration of human DNA or human genome is now a practical matter of science and inevitable, but is a question of ethical issues. Changing a human’s genome can change how they look, act, and can even minimize genetic problems. A genome can determine many things such as how someone may age, how well they adapts to the environment, and even their personality and mental health. Scientists have found ways to alter these sequences of DNA to make plants, animals, and even babies with those genetic traits seen as more desirable. For example, In the late 1980’s a scientist at the University of Japan found a repeated DNA gene sequence which later another scientist found that this sequences is part of a sophisticated immune system that bacteria use to fight viruses. (A Powerful New Way to Edit DNA). This sequence could be modified to help humans fight
The goal of therapeutic gene modification is to restore physical and mental health back to an adequate baseline. There is a responsibility in medicine to treat all people with equality and fairness, so it justified to treat patients and restore them to a normal healthy level. There is five different disease HIV, types of genetic blindness, familial hypercholesterolemia, sickle-cell anemia, and hemophilia that have been evaluated and determined that they can be cured through the usage of therapeutic gene mutation. All of these modifications would only occur to somatic cells, so it would specifically change the individual patient, and it will not be transferred to their offspring (business insider). These treatments faces little to no backlash from ethical leaders in the medical community. These treatments are acceptable as a whole because of two reasons in particular. First these diseases in particular are ones that are understood to be an impairment to people that makes their life more challenging then normal life. So they meet the first requirement a medical obligation to treat all people equally and help those who are afflicted and improve their life to a normal standard. The second reason that treatment is endorsed by many people is because it involves somatic cells rather then germ cells. Somatic cells are preferred over germ cells
Today many people seek professional therapy or counseling for a limited amount of time in order to deal with different life crises. Others seek professional help for the majority of their lives in order to deal with a psychological disorder. After reading this chapter on Therapy, I learned that this was not always the case, and that the way our society views therapy, and the meaning of therapy, has changed dramatically of the years. This chapter not only explains the evolution of therapy, it explores the different therapeutic approaches.
Medical research and discoveries have rapidly expanded in the past decade due to the advancement of technology. Genetic alterations are just one of the many discoveries made by scientists in 1973. Some people argue that genetic engineering is wrong and shouldn’t be legal, but some people think that this is a good idea and should be practiced. Genetic alterations should be accepted by society because they enhance characteristics, prevent diseases from spreading, and can give people things they never had or had the chance of getting.
According to “Are biotechnology…,” the science of genetic engineering can be defined as “the process of introducing, eliminating, or changing an organism’s genetic material.” But as this article also states, this idea of editing an organism’s characteristics is nothing new. Selective breeding, for example, haws been common in society for a long time. Hitchings mentions the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing system which is just one example of many different systems available. As this science has gained popularity, ethical concerns have been brought up, along with a debate on if these concerns prove it to be unethical. Although some scientist claim that the medical and economic benefits outweigh the many risks, genetic engineering is not ethical because of the moral issues surrounding
Medical research and discoveries have rapidly expanded in the past decade due to the advancement of technology. Genetic alterations are just one of the many discoveries made by scientists in 1973. Some people argue that genetic engineering is wrong and shouldn’t be legal, but some people think that this is a good idea and should be practiced. Genetic alterations should be accepted by society because they enhance characteristics, prevent diseases from spreading, and can give people things they never had or had the chance of getting.
One moral issue people have with genetic modification is the involvement of embryos. Each individual embryo is unique, and their genetic makeup is different. As Jenkins explained, every DNA strand is unique which means that when a procedure is done on each strand, the outcome has the potential to be different than the intended. If the change has an unexpected outcome, the living organism is forced to live with it. Gyngell and Thomas agree that because of all this, the parents should not be allowed to make the decision. They give the reason as the fact that it is not the parent’s body to alter. Another moral issue that has been discussed is the modification of animals. In many cases, Ormandy makes a point that genetically engineered animals are never used for their intended purpose, and research never moves forward. These animals are created in surplus, then killed for dissection. The fact that animals are being given life just to suffer or be euthanized is most definitely a moral concern. The moral concerns that have been brought to light, including procedures on embryos and animals, show the overall unethical science of genetic engineering. Not only are these important concerns, but the underlying risks of genetic modification are important as