
There Is Much To Be Said About The Various Theoretical

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There is much to be said about the various theoretical principles developed by educational theorists whose aim at its core is to find work argue which is the best approach for teachers to apply towards the development of children’s learning. In this paper, I will present a brief analysis of six contemporary educational theories: perennialism, essentialism, reconstructivism, progressivism, educational humanism, and behaviorism. Then the focus will turn to two of the theories, perennialism and behaviorism, that evoked a strong response in how I, as a Christian, related to them.
The theories analyzed
Perennialist’s approach focuses on the rational intellect, absolutes and the idea of mind and reasoning with mental discipline. The teacher is …show more content…

Therefore, knowledge gained occurs through experience.
Finally, the last two theories include educational humanism and behaviorism. Educational humanism theorists focus on the concept of student’s individuality and that the self-actualization is paramount over knowledge. Proponents in this camp would argue students should be guided by the teacher to “discover, become, and develop their real self and potential” (Knight, 2006, P. 110). To achieve this goal the teacher will work towards building trust and relationships to develop and encourage the student’s development of interpersonal relationships. The final contemporary theories in education, behaviorism, believe that humans and animals are no different; therefore, having no superiority. The behaviorist’s aim of education is to condition students through positive reinforcement so that the desired results occur accordingly. Teachers apply the strategies that are “tested on animals” (2006, P. 135) to condition students learning. Thus, learning founded on rewards for the achieved desired results is the focus.
Where do I fall?
Of the six theories of contemporary education, I mostly related to the theory of perennialism and strongly disagreed with behaviorism. Although in all honesty, there were components of each of the theories I agreed with or did not agree with, which would have fit nicely in my philosophy and approach toward education. Unfortunately, in doing so, I leave myself open to developing a

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