
`` There 's More Than Happiness ``

Decent Essays

“There’s More to Life than Happiness” was a fascinating article to me. As I have grown, matured and experienced life, I have contemplated many of the ideas that Frankl brought forth. Over the years, I have watched others pursue meaning and countless more pursue happiness. I have watched some struggle with depression and suicide while they languished in lack of meaning and purpose.

I have a friend who was in the first wave of Marines into Iraq when Operation Iraqi Freedom started. We have spent countless hours discussing the things Mark experienced and the near death situations that he faced. At one point, he said that the only way he survived the mental and emotional fall out of the horrific things he endured was to help other veterans. Mark had a purpose and that was to remain in this life to help those who were tormented in the same way he was. I was immediately reminded of his story when the author told of Frankl and his desire to stay in harm’s way for the sake of his parents. He chose to honor those he loved and protect them. He sought to ease the situation. In the same way, my friend Mark sought to honor those who fought beside him and help them through. In helping to heal others, he healed himself as well.

Another aspect of this article that seemed to speak to me is the point that seeking happiness is a drive reduction. We, as human beings, desire something, we attain what we want and then we are happy if only for a fleeting moment. The

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