
Thesis About Call Center Agents

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Chapter I
Background of the Study If you are a nurse who recently took the board exam, then you must be one of the many new graduates who are considered to be unemployed. After the long weekend parties, holidays, and vacation trips a month ago, you should have recently wondered 'hey what's next for me now?' Well you are not alone. In fact, many of my review mates in a local review center headed to many local BPO companies here in our city. BPO or business process outsourcing involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions (or processes) to a third-party service provider. Employees who work under these companies are referred as call center agents or customer service representatives. …show more content…

All of us agreed that being a Call Center Agent is a good job but a really tough one but convinced that it is not as tough as being a nurse. It gives us member the idea of a job-on-the-spot that can let graduate nurses grab. We also claim that working on a Call Center will let us explore more of the world before settling down as a nurse. All of us agreed that despite of our diversity in opinions and perceptions, we exclude our biases in understanding and knowing the life and experiences of being a Call Center Agent.

Experiences Some members experienced being asked or recruited to join but they refused to. They were afraid that it will hinder their studies. One member, has been acquainted to a Call Center Agent and helped to seek job hunters. Another member had a fellow nursing student who after graduating entered and became a Call Center Agent. Considering these, we conduct a group discussion. We brainstormed this topic and unanimously agreed to it to be our research topic..

Strengths We applied other components of therapeutic relationship such as active listening, acceptance, genuine interest and positive regard during interaction process to facilitate cooperation from our participants and obtain the information we needed. We divided the tasks accordingly and all were willing to move beyond our

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