
Thomson A Defense Of Abortion

Decent Essays

The justness and morality of abortion has long been a topic of contention in the United States. In the article ‘A Defense of Abortion’ Thomson argues that abortion is morally permissible in certain circumstances even if that fetus has a right to life. This essay will serve to lay out the positions that Judith Jarvis Thomson’s article takes in the defense of abortion in certain circumstances. I will present an argument that agrees with Thomson and further justifies abortion in cases that deal with pregnancies that are a result of rape, failed contraceptives, and in procedures that are recommended to save the life of the mother. Additionally, I will integrate several counter arguments that take opposition to Thomson’s stance on the morality …show more content…

47). Anti-abortion proponents argue that fetuses are persons, and since all persons have a right to life, a fetus also possess a right to life. The author compares this position to an acorn and an oak tree, and it does not follow that an acorn is an oak tree (p. 47). The common counter argument is to the conception premise is to pick and arbitrary point in fetal development and say that it is ok to terminate a pregnancy before this point because the fetus is not yet a person. Thomson acknowledges that this arbitrary point in development is difficult to defend in argument but also thinks that a fetus becomes a person at some point before birth, she compares the right to life with the right to vote, “If children are left to develop normally the will have a right to vote; that does not show that they now have the right to vote.” For the sake of argument in the article, Thomson grants this initial contention that the fetus has a right to life at the moment of conception. Thomson agrees with the main antiabortionist view that fetuses are persons and have a right to life, the author argues her main objections with colorful analogies and examples and explain that in not all cases does the fetuses right to life outweigh the mother’s right to make choices …show more content…

This could be analogous to a circumstance in which a woman may become pregnant even though she took the requisite contraceptive precautions yet became pregnant anyway. In this situation Thomson argues that just because a fetus has established itself inside a woman, this does not give it a right to use the woman’s body. Some opponents of abortion won’t make an exception even if the mothers life is at risk if she were to continue with the pregnancy, Thompson calls this “the extreme view”. Opponents of abortions would still consider this the killing of an innocent person. Performing the abortion would be directly killing the fetus whereas continuing with the pregnancy would only be letting her die. Thomson argues that if the mother and fetus have an equal right to life and the mother has the right to decide what happens in and to her body, then the sum of the mother’s rights then outweigh the fetus’ right to

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