
Three Different Approaches to Achieve Organizational Goals Essay

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Three Different Approaches to Achieve Organizational Goals “Organizational effectiveness can only be achieved if all organizational members know their specific roles and responsibilities.” (Burkett, 1995, para. 1) Health care organizations, regardless of size, must deal with the dynamic complexities of many moving parts. In order to develop and maintain a successful organization, it is very important for all employees to know what is expected of them. Many hospitals and clinics choose to use mission statements to focus employees on the end goal, but it is the harnessing of role responsibility that clearly defines each individual’s role. “By developing a role responsibility matrix, managers can define roles clearly and consistently, …show more content…

The Sisters of Saint Mary Health Care System designed a workplace desirable for retention. “The system’s leaders believed that they could improve care by empowering staff at the front lines so that every employee had the opportunity to make decisions about the care process.” (Lanser, 2003, p.7) As a result, not only did productivity increase, but the organization was awarded the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award for quality management and achievement. While it is still critical to mission success to recruit high quality employees, managers must have a system in place to ensure retention of those highly skilled and motivated individuals. “The essence of successful leadership in any hospital department is the ability to develop and instill in healthcare workers a common vision and to stimulate determined adherence to the pursuit of that vision. The manager must inspire and influence others—motivate other people and communicate effectively with them.” (Longest Jr., 1997, p. 29) Employees don’t want to be managed, they want to be lead. Leaders inspire and empower their workers. Most would like to see the organizational goals but have the freedom to accomplish that goal in their own way. Giving employees empowerment makes them take ownership of that project and they feel like a valued member of the team. This team concept is highly effective for retention and is much more cost efficient for the health care organization. Recruiting and retention both play

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