
Three Health Maintenance Organizations

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Health Maintenance Organizations

Health Maintenance Organizations
In the United States, there are different Health Maintenance Organizations that work towards promoting the health of the American citizens. Each health maintenance organization works independently since they belong to different categories. Also, the organizations belonging to the same category have some activities and measures that are common. The Health Maintenance Organizations can be categorized into four different groups. The different categories include Commercial, Marketplace, Medicaid and Medicare (Kongstvedt, 2016). In the due process of undertaking this assignment, the health maintenance organizations that will be accessed include AmeriHealth, Aetna and Horizon. All these three organizations belong to the same category of Medicare.
The organization that scores highest on most measures
According to reports collected from the three health maintenance organizations, Aetna emerges to be the one that has scored the highest in taking most measures. For breast cancer …show more content…

The first thing that surprised me is how the organizations have taken serious the issue of children immunization. As noticed, all the organizations have done a lot of immunizations to children in the United States. Since there are many children who are born in the country, a majority of them have to go for various important immunizations. If children fail to be immunized, parents understand that they could run into health problems in future. Therefore, the high percentage of immunization that cuts across all the three selected organizations shows how parents in the United States as well as the health care organizations take serious the issue of protecting the new born children against vulnerable

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