
Title Ix And Career Education

Decent Essays

Before Title IX In vocational courses in high schools, girls could only take cooking and sewing classes, while most boys could take woodworking and metalworking. Schools were allowed to deny women training in fields that were considered inappropriate. Therefore, women trained primarily for low-wage, traditionally female jobs such as health aides and cosmetologists. The majority of women working in education taught in elementary and secondary schools. Those who did teach in colleges were primarily at women 's colleges, usually weren 't awarded tenure, and earned smaller salaries were given. Only a few women were hired in high-level administrative positions throughout all of educational institutions.- The following is as it was told by Karyn Ridgeway herself. I remember it clearly: I was 10, sitting in the back of our car. It was a hot day and I had my face pressed against the window. I was watching my eight-year-old brother try out for Little League and I was jumping out of my skin. It was killing me that I couldn 't try out. I could throw and catch pretty well ... and I was fast. Suddenly, my mom left the car and walked right up to one of the coaches. I watched as she talked, gesturing back at me. She ran back and opened the car door: "Okay, Karyn, you 're on!" Within seconds I was on the field with the boys. I was in my element. I played well and made the team. It still is one of the happiest moments of my

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