
To Kill A Mockingbird Book Vs Movie Essay

Decent Essays

The movie To Kill A Mockingbird, directed by Robert Mulligan, has many similarities and differences to the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. It’s the small details that make the big differences in the movie versus the book. Although Robert Mulligan was able to show many of the crucial scenes of the book in the movie, it fell short of a couple important characters and scenes. It was these small faults in the films that made be believe that the book was better than the movie.
Several scenes and characters were cut from the film that played a crucial part in the movie. The characters are one of the most important parts of the development of the film. Whether it be a major or minor character they are all equally important.It is no exception that Aunt alexandra was not in the film. The role that Aunt Alexandra was supposed to play was the pushy aunt that was supposed to make scout more …show more content…

Several of the scenes were minor and unimportant but, it's the small things that make a big difference. When Jem and Scout find items in the tree they only found soap and a chain with a dog tag on it, in which there is no chain in the book. Several items were missing including: gum, twine, a watch, a medal, and pennies. It was revealed in the beginning of the movie that jem and scout had already obtained these items. Also, in the book Jem and Scout do not see Mr. Nathan Radley cement up the old tree. However, in the movie they do. In the book, when jem and scout find the cemented tree, they feel guilty that they were unable to pay Boo Radley back. When they see Mr. Radley cement up they tree they do not feel guilty, nor as grateful as they should have been. When Atticus is out of town Calpurnia is supposed to take Jem and Scout to her black church. In the movie Calpurnia didn’t take them. They were unable to see Calpurnia’s secret side and they were unable to experience what Calpurnia’s second life was like outside of the

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