
How Education Has Changed Over The Years

Decent Essays

Todays education has changed in many ways over the years. From the behavior of student’s caused by different parenting skills, how teachers teach their classes as well as student’s ability to use fundamentals, media and technology all play a role in how the world of education has evolved. Robin Lawrence a thirteen year veteran teacher now a curriculum specialist at Bellaire Elementary has a good insight into how the educational system has changed over time.
Past and present behavior have differed between the generations. Behavior in the past was much better. In the past children did not have adult problems placed on them. Past parents had better control to allow their children to be young. Past generations of parents did not have a lack of parenting skills. Children were allowed to be carefree, unlike in the present day generations. Today’s generations have adult problems caused by poor or lack of parenting and therefore their behavior reflect this. The poor behavior of today’s generations has affected their education. The poor behavior of one student affects the whole class. Mrs. Lawrence stated, “Student behavior was much better when I attended school than the behaviors I see in students present day.’’ When asking Mrs. Lawrence why she felt that student’s behavior was better in the past than in the present she stated that “ Students have so many adult burdens placed on then it is very difficult for them to be a child. Poor/ lack of parenting has been a major factor in

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