
Tony Roma's Restaurant Performance

Decent Essays

Standard which are mostly practiced:
Two standards are practiced in Tony Roma’s. The first one is exceptional quality. Tony Roma’s treats the customers as if they are friends. The staff members deal the guest with care and provide an exceptional place to enjoy a meal. It also provides an exceptional and comfortable atmosphere to dine there with deliberate choices of lightening and unique theme of decoration.
The second most commonly practiced standard in Tony Roma’s is food quality. Food and beverages is the biggest indicator of quality that a customer notices. Food quality is not only important to the customer’s impressions of the overall restaurant experience, but it is important for their health as well. Guests’ health should never be compromised. Tony Roma’s provide properly prepared food. This is the standard of Tony Roma’s that keep the customers back to the restaurant to enjoy again. Tony Roma’s buy quality ingredients, hire superior cooks and serve the meals at the right temperature and taste for each dish.
Benefits of customer’s satisfaction:
Tony Roma’s satisfies its customers’ needs in all aspects and deals them in good manner. As a result of it Tony Roma’s gains a good level of customers’ loyalty and trust. Every time they need to dine, they …show more content…

One of the possible reasons is the poor inventory management. Sometimes the employees of the Tony Roma’s don’t have the tools that they need to give great services due to which they are forced to cut corners, lie or make excuses to guests. The staff of Tony Roma’s without a consistent inventory management loses faith in their restaurant and forces them to stop caring about being professionals at their jobs. The other reason of facing the failure is the lack of dedication and time commitment. Some employees of Tony Roma’s are not sincere and they try to push the boundaries of their duties. Lack of consistency is also the reason of the failure of the Tony

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