
Too Many Political Parties in America Essay example

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At first, some of the Founding Fathers did not expect American government to be full of multiple political parties after creating the Constitution in the late 1780s. Even George Washington stated in his Farewell Address, “However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government.” In simpler words, Washington was stating how political parties may lead to the corruption of the government the Founding Fathers envisioned. Despite what some Founding Fathers originally thought, political parties did develop …show more content…

In an Election advertisement for the Democratic-Republicans, it states that Federalists have the “power to enslave you.” Jefferson’s followers used the Federalist’s support and loyalty to Britain as an advantage to win the election, which ended up dividing the parties even more. This struggle between the two parties further led to undemocratic actions. In 1798, the Federalists passed the Sedition Act which prohibited printing, speaking, or publishing of harmful accusations against government officials. This act was mainly passed to stop the Republican newspapers from publishing insights about Federalist government leaders because after it was passed, many Republicans were convicted of violating this act. Another example of an undemocratic action is Gerrymandering. It’s when a particular party redraws voting districts to their own party’s advantage. It was created by Governor Gelbridge Gerry to help win the elections for his party, the Democratic-Republicans. These new ways of giving an advantage to the party you support Using the previously stated points, parties are generated through people’s individual thoughts on government, but even then political parties created dilemmas for the citizens. When people in the early United States can voice their view on government freely, it creates parties that divide up the government. When they were developed, it created rivalry between the two, further

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