
Torres Strait Islanderss

Decent Essays

Introduction Improving academic outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is mired in inherited troubles as well as contemporary ones. As a result of poor policies and pedagogy, generations fear and lack confidence in the education system (Harrison and Sellwood, 2013). It is therefore imperative that teachers have a range of resources and strategies for adapting the curriculum to the needs of Aborignal and Torres Strait Islanders. This should include fostering pride in identity, making connections to community and land, and respecting language variation and culture. In doing so, teachers meet expectaions for Australian professional teaching standards and the community. Part A Fostering pride Teachers should foster self-worth, confidence …show more content…

Supporting a child’s first language with classes run by Aboriginal education worker is likely to lead to better literacy in both languages (Dixon et al., 2012). Learning both the L1 and English are supported in the curriculum through the framework for Aboriginal languages and Torres Strait Islander languages (ACARA, n.d.). In addition, Harrison and Sellwood (2016) identify intensive instruction with shared book readings. This would include making the text relevant, breaking it down into its components, and eventually using it as a basis for writing new stories. In regard to relevance, shared book reading is similar to oral cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Inviting a local elder to talk about their story telling traditions and passing on stories provides an opportunity to connect with local culture. All children can benefit from such an experience through perspective taking (Woolfolk & Margetts, 2013). But, for Aboriginal students it provides an opportunity for promoting pride, creating interest and establishing relevance to their lives. Resources for English lessons could …show more content…

In meeting professional standards for Australian teachers this should include showing respect to culture, connecting with the community and building pride. Good pedagogy should be applied appropriately across the curriculum. In the instance of English, this includes support of the first language, explicit instruction, relevance, and interest. In the context of the history classroom, a teacher should connect with the community, the land, and foster a positive identity. Perhaps the most important element is considering the context of the community and each

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