
Total Quality Management At Kiichiro Toyoda

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The main pillars in the model resemble the total quality control or total quality management of the company that can best be summarized in this pyramid illustration.
Total quality management means that everyone is involved in continuously refining the service to customers with data and profound knowledge. Kiichiro Toyoda made customers a huge priority in his theory. The base of the pyramid consisted of the costs of gaining quality, processing services, testing, tools, and prevention. The second level of the pyramid is involvement, which examines the rewards, acknowledgment, training, empowerment, and partnerships within the company. The third level is leadership that deals with talks about the ownership, management support, and the corporation’s mission plan. The next level is culture, which explains the values and continuous improvement made by the employees. Finally the top of the pyramid is total quality management, which encompasses the main goal of being a customer driven company. Toyoda’s primary viewpoints in his system embrace the theories of just-in-time and Jidoka. Just-in-time (JIT) focuses on productivity improvement with the main idea being, “making only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed”. The main goal for JIT was to effectively build a car within the shortest possible amount of time by obeying four guidelines. The first rule states that when the first order is established it must be brought to the start of the assembly line as

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