
An Analysis of Benefit in Implementing Total Quality Management Into B2C E-Commerce.

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An analysis of benefit in
Total Quality Management into B2C E-Commerce.

PMAN639-Project Quality Management
University of Maryland University College

Total quality management (TQM) comprises three elements; customer focus, variation and continuous improvement. Quality begins with understandings of customer’s requirements upon which the performance goal for the organization is based. Variation in quality is controlled by using statistical methods. Continuous improvement begins with statically defined current process and identifies the future modification to the process that might reduce the defects and increases the predictability of the performance. In …show more content…

A quality management function comprises quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement. Quality planning includes the system, service and product development. It includes the steps to identify the customer and its needs and develop products based on their needs. Quality control involves the steps to asses the quality performance and compares with the standards or objectives and analyze the shorts of objectives. The quality improvement an important stage of quality management function includes the steps to identify the improvement areas and establish the project team. ISO 8402 defines Total quality management(TQM) as a “management approach of an organization centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long term success through customer satisfaction and benefits to all members of the organization and to society.” Total Quality Management (TQM) is a comprehensive approach is utilized by any organization that needs to upgrade the quality of its products or services through a process of continuous feedback from its consumers. It creates a framework where initiatives for effective quality and productivity can be implemented, that would help to raise the competitiveness of any organizations. Dr. W. Edwards Deming in 1930 from the help from Bell telephone company statistician Walter A. Shewhart devised a management process which is statistically controlled. This process is a combination of Shewhart statistical

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