
Tough Tips

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many jars “I don't know what it is about food your mother makes for you, especially when it's something that anyone can make - pancakes, meat loaf, tuna salad - but it carries a certain taste of memory.” ― Mitch Albom

From back as far as I can remember my family and friends have asked to open difficult jars for them. Over the years I used and developed several tips and tricks for opening difficult jars. On this page I will share some of these with you. In addition, if you have any tips or tricks you would like to share with my good readers please fell free to add them after my post.

Take the easy way out, click to see the best jar opener reviews.

Tip #1

If a jar is giving you a difficult time to open, try using a cloth rag or towel …show more content…

Tap around the top of the jar, but not to hard - you want to try to loosen the seal not break the jar, then give it a good twist. If that does not work, insert the spoon in between the lip of the cap and the jar itself, then push the spoon down toward the jar. Try to relieve the pressure on the jar.

Tip #3

Here is another tip to open that most stubborn jar. Take a cloth, a rubber glove or even a dryer sheet. Put it over the lid and give it a good twist. The item that you choose will give you a better grip, making it easier to get the jar lid off.

If you just can't get that stubborn jar open - then click here

Or Let your Cat to Open it!

Tip #4

Another great tip that I have learned over the years is to take the jar, turn it upside down and smack the bottom with your hand. This will loosen any air pockets or stuck food making the difficult jar easier to open.

Tip #5

One of my favorite tricks to open a jar that is being so stubborn, is to take a tennis ball and cut it in half. After you do that, take one half and place it over the top of the lid. Then twist.

If I left anything out or if you have any stubborn jar opening tips - be sure and leave your comment

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